Stay hungry



まだまだ先は長いが、Keep on burning!


Summary and Analysis of “In Search of Heroes”

In his article, “In Search of Heroes”, (NEWSWEEK, January 18, 1993) Peter H. Gibbon argues that today it is difficult for the young to have heroes because irreverence, skepticism, and mockery are destroying exemplary lives. He insists that which have a bad influence for education and suggests that we should portray old heroes as human beings, but let them remain. Furthermore, he states intellectuals and columnists could be less mocking and disdainful of those in authority.

I think his opinion is ridiculous. Do you think we can or should control intellectuals and columnists? What about “Freedom of Speech” which is established by bloody effort of old heroes? Does he want the U.S. to be a totalitarian country or a communist country? Even if we portray old people as a hero, it doesn’t work in this “mocking and disdainful” world. Today, everybody knows there is no perfect person. In fact, thinking about my adolescence, this kind of old heroes offered by teachers meant nothing to struggle with a tough time during my adolescence. Ironically, heroes in my adolescence, such as John Lennon and Bono, who taught me “hard work and fidelity” came from popular culture which the author criticizes. It is needless to say about John Lennon. Bono, the singer of Irish rock band U2, not only writes a lot of amazing songs, but also dedicates himself to the movement to save African countries. In this modern world, a hero is the person who can stay a hero in spite of attack from intellectuals and columnists. The young have to learn how to be tough instead of being naïve to admire old heroes made by teachers uncritically.

In addition, you don’t have to be disappointed by Lincoln. Even though he liked bawdy stories and suffered from depression, he can give a great message to children. That is, even if you have problems in your life, you can be a hero.


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